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Sunday, December 15 2013 15:52

Ted Brewer - Audio Recordings

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Dear family,

I just thought I would share some recordings I found of some of his lessons. There are a lot of phrases he shared that when he started I knew where he was going next. I took so many of those for granted. That is what made me look around for these. It's also good just to hear his voice.

I always remember his commentary on Eph 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her". He would mock and say something like "yes, but she burns the toast..." "No - Husbands, love your wives!"

He was a good shepherd who pointed us to the Great Shepherd.


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Monday, November 18 2013 16:43

Join Us For A Service

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Building Construction 2024!:

Due to construction on our building, please join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00 AM at 1317 King Arthur Drive Lafayette Indiana 47905.  There is also a bible class on the topic of evidences starting at 10:00 AM Sundays and 7:00 PM Wednesday night at the same location.  

The 3rd Sunday Singing & Prayer is postponed until further notice.

July 9th Update: The congregation will again meet at 405 N Creasy Lane for bible class (10:00 AM) and worship service (11:00 AM) starting this coming Sunday, July 14th.  Please note some restrictions to the facility still exists in terms of access to the bathrooms in the basement.



Please come and worship with us anytime. Our building is located in Lafayette, Indiana, only 15 minutes from Purdue University and right down the road from Ivy Tech. You can get directions to our building by using the map below. If you have trouble locating our building, please give us a call at (765) 447-1480.

The diagram to the right indicates the location of the parking lot, as well as other buildings where various classes meet. If you are interested in coming to a particular Bible class, please visit the "Bible Studies" page to see where that class meets. Or, simply ask a member of the congregation to help direct you to that class.

If you need transportation to the building, we would be happy to assist you in that. Please give us a call at (765) 447-1480 and we will arrange a ride for you.

Our Address

Lafayette Church of Christ
405 N Creasy Lane,
Lafayette, IN 47905





Monday, November 04 2013 17:01

Comments Or Questions?

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If you have any questions about the content of this site or our services, please give us a call at 765-447-1480 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also, if you have any general questions about the Bible or God, we will do our best to give you an answer from God's Word. If you live in the Lafayette/West Lafayette area, and would like to study with someone one-on-one, we would be happy to sit down and study God's Word together.

Please feel free to contact any of our elders or evangelists using the contact information below.

PositionNamePhone Number
Elder Jeryl Ramsey 765-589-8752
Elder Geoff Walker 765-337-3574
Elder Steve Prasuhn 765-523-2970
Evangelist Alan Yeater 765-409-3732
Evangelist Mike Sullivan 765-720-2766


Monday, June 17 2013 17:07

Songs Of Worship

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This page currently unavailable.

Saturday, February 23 2013 09:29

Study The Word With Us

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Our aim by studying God's word is to better know God and His son, Jesus the Christ, that we might hear the words of eternal life (John 17:3; Philippians 3:10-11; John 6:68) and glorify our Father in heaven.  We have adult age classes that typically run one semester in length.  We meet at our building location on Sundays (9:30 AM) before worship service and on Wednesday nights (7:00 PM).  Please see the location page for class locations.  At these same times we also conduct classes of all ages for very young children through high-school age that we might tell the riches of His grace with all.

2013 Summer Studies

  • Holy Spirit - main building (upstairs)


Online Bible Study Recordings and Resources